Lignite Humate 30%/ premium compost 70%
High levels of organic carbon are vital for soil health, creating a better structure to hold water and nutrients which ultimately help produce healthy plants and better crop yields.
brown coal naturally contains humic substances, including humic and fulvic acids, which are used in commercial soil additives.
Current land usage and agriculture is slowly diminishing the reserves of soil carbon that are slow to accumulate, making it necessary to add organic matter to maintain soil health.
This helps soil hold on to the fertilisers, making nutrients and minerals more available to plants and less likely to leach out after heavy rain.
Humates are something that occur naturally, they are formed when bacteria decompose biological matter
Biological Stimulation: raw humates and their humic acid and fulvic acid extracts are powerful microbial stimulants. Humic acid feeds and stimulates the Fungi component of your compost, while fulvic acid is a bacterial stimulant. Good-quality humic acid always includes a significant fulvic acid component, Remember that these two Microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) determine disesase pressure and crop production, which produces increased crop yields.
Sodium Management: The management of excess sodium is set to become a key issue in twenty first century agriculture. Saline irrigation water and high-sodium soils already feature as major problems in many areas. Humates have demonstrated a unique capacity to buffer sodium excesses in both water and soils. This buffering capacity can reduce or prevent the plant damage normally associated with these excesses. Humates can also have a profound affect upon soil structure, opening the soil and aiding with the rapid exit of excess sodium. Humates are also a direct stimulant of the beneficial fungi called mycorrhiza which colonise the roots of host plants. Mycorrhizas are renowned for their capacity to increase the salt tolerance of their hosts.