Our Products

Organic Compost 

Clyde Compost’s organic compost is a traditional windrow compost, following the Australian standard 4454 guidelines for composting, is A grade HACCP certified and with every batch independently tested by a micro biologist to ensure there’s active beneficial bacteria and fungi. We harness the natural heating process allowing for the pasteurisation of any pathogens and plant propagules. The compost is then allowed to cool and mature with the beneficial fungi and bacterial microbes given time to flourish, providing your soil with an all-natural, sustainable and organic food source for your plants.

Key benefits of our compost include

  • Active bacteria and fungi
  • Increased organic matter in your soils
  • Ph neutral 7
  • Provides available food and acts as a slow-release nutrient for the plant uptake immediately
  • Disease suppression in the plant and surrounding the root system through the introduction of our compost
  • High in calcium, little or no need for lime or gypsum
  • Only organic materials used – cow, sheep and horse manure, maize, wheat and lucerne straw, matured soft and hardwood shavings

Clyde Compost produces a thermal compost, little to no weed seeds remain after composting is completed. No waste products, chemical or council waste used, we source only natural organic products.


Booster Blend 

Booster blend has been carefully formulated with our organic compost plus the addition of three key organic ingredients to give an extra boost your garden. This provides the long-term benefits of our organic compost, with the addition of a higher level of beneficial active fungi, a slow release NPK, increased calcium and trace elements. This combines to give your soil and plants a well-rounded, balanced and microbial nutritional input essential for the health and prosperity of your garden.

The booster blend was developed to act as an all-round feed for your garden, making it a great soil conditioner for your lawn and garden or as a mulch straight after planting your seedlings and/or trees including ornamentals and flowers.

We include lignite coal into our booster blend, to aid in elevating the soil health and increasing active fungi. Increased levels of organic carbon creates a better structure to hold nutrients and food for your biology, ultimately helping produce healthier plants and crops.

The Organic Booster blend is made up of:

  • Organic carbon, providing soil with micronutrients and improving water retention
  • Ph neutral 7
  • Provides available food for the plant uptake immediately
  • Organic matter with beneficial fungi and bacteria
  • High in calcium, little or no need for lime or gypsum
  • Blood and bone which is a highly effective natural fertiliser supplying nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and calcium in a slow-release form


Organic Compost (HACCP CERTIFIED) Topsoil blend 

Our topsoil blend is ready to be planted into, no need to mix with any other topsoils. The topsoil is screened to 10mm and is mixed no less than 3 months before delivery, so that microbes have time to work themselves into the soil. The blend is 60% compost, 40% topsoil.

Clyde Compost’s organic compost is a traditional windrow compost, following the Australian standard 4454 guidelines for composting, is A grade HACCP certified and with every batch independently tested by a micro biologist to ensure there’s active beneficial bacteria and fungi. We harness the natural heating process allowing for the pasteurisation of any pathogens and plant propagules. The compost is then allowed to cool and mature with the beneficial fungi and bacterial microbes given time to flourish, providing your soil with an all-natural, sustainable and organic food source for your plants.

Key benefits of our compost include

  • Active bacteria and fungi
  • Increased organic matter in your soils
  • Ph neutral 7
  • Provides available food and acts as a slow-release nutrient for the plant uptake immediately
  • Disease suppression in the plant and surrounding the root system through the introduction of our compost
  • High in calcium, little or no need for lime or gypsum
  • Only organic materials used – cow, sheep and horse manure, maize, wheat and lucerne straw, matured soft and hardwood shavings

Clyde Compost produces a thermal compost, little to no weed seeds remain after composting is completed. No waste products, chemical or council waste used, we source only natural organic products.


Organic compost (HACCP Certified)with Certified Organic Blood & Bone

Organic compost with blood and bone has been carefully formulated with our organic compost plus the addition of three key organic ingredients to give an extra boost your garden. This provides the long-term benefits of our organic compost, with the addition of a higher level of beneficial active fungi, a slow release NPK, increased calcium and trace elements. This combines to give your soil and plants a well-rounded, balanced and microbial nutritional input essential for the health and prosperity of your garden.

The booster blend was developed to act as an all-round feed for your garden, making it a great soil conditioner for your lawn and garden or as a mulch straight after planting your seedlings and/or trees including ornamentals and flowers.

We include lignite coal into our booster blend, to aid in elevating the soil health and increasing active fungi. Increased levels of organic carbon creates a better structure to hold nutrients and food for your biology, ultimately helping produce healthier plants and crops.

The Organic Booster blend is made up of:

  • Organic carbon, providing soil with micronutrients and improving water retention
  • Ph neutral 7
  • Provides available food for the plant uptake immediately
  • Organic matter with beneficial fungi and bacteria
  • High in calcium, little or no need for lime or gypsum 
  • Blood and bone which is a highly effective natural fertiliser supplying nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and calcium in a slow-release form